Saturday, 9 February 2013

Saturday Reads

A Beautiful Mess did a great post last week on how to approach flea market shopping - or I guess what we would call op-shopping here in Oz. I really enjoyed this, and frankly, I think a lot of it can apply to shopping in general so it's worth a read even if heading out to Vinnies or the local car boot sale isn't really your thing.

Read this post from the New York times about new love late in life - it's so beautiful! You won't regret it!

I devoured all 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights with obsessive glee...but it probably would have helped if I'd read this beginners guide to American football before hand. It really cleared things up for me (being literal, not sarcastic here). Hey, it was Superbowl week, I wanted to know the rules once and for all.

Judith Ann Braun takes finger painting to a whole new level.

I want these for my flat! So clean and cool! Although, as someone who has killed a succulent, I'm not sure if I should invest, or just accept that my thumb is really, really not green.

This article from on how to simplify your life is funny, well-written and choc full of good advice. I particularly like #3 "If you're jealous, you have to be jealous of everything - i.e. if you're going to be jealous of someone's career success, you also have to be jealous of the hours of study and unpaid overtime they put in to get there.

A different kind of fashion blog...


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