I've mentioned before that blogging is fun because I get to write about the stuff that I like, with no reason required other than "because I can." If anyone was thinking of arguing with me about this, I will closely follow that with a "you're not the boss of me" and then a "you don't know my life." You've been warned.
One of the things I like about life is the wonderful and talented friends I've been fortunate enough to meet along the journey so far. The sole purpose of this particular post is to introduce you to some of them too.
Today we have the delightful Missing Children. It's been fun watching these guys grow over the last couple of years that I've known them as a band, both literally and figuratively. I mean, they are all adults so no one is getting any taller, but they have certainly grown in number. When my friend joined as cellist a couple of years ago they were an ensemble of three - guitar, vocals and cello - and have since added drums, bass, more guitars to create a more layered, intricate sound. I'm very terrible at accurately pinpointing genres and influences so I'm just going to say have a listen instead.
You can purchase "Papertrail" on iTunes here and find them on Facebook here to find about upcoming gigs around Sydney.
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