Well, it's a bit hard for me to buy you a drink over the inter webs but I do feel like it's probably my turn to shout a few rounds. Looking back through our list of posts I realised it's been over a month since I last blogged which surprised me a little - thank goodness for Georgia who has been keeping things alive around here! When we started Four Letter Birds it was with the proviso that it was going to be a "no-guilt, no-stress, just for fun" project, and I think that we've stuck to that pretty well. Plus, I'm not a fan of daily blogging just for the sake of it - it's boring for us, and it's boring for you lovely people who come by and read the blog. BUT, I have missed you! Let's catch up.
What's been going on for the last few weeks? Well...not much, to be honest. This and that. I've had a few crazy situations at work appear out of left field, most of which resolved themselves delightfully with very little effort from me, thank goodness. I have also been trying some new avenues in regards taking care of my health - which is all a bit zzzz, frankly. Does anyone here do the raw food thing? I'd be interested to hear what you think and how much success you've had with it, but that's probably another post for another time.
One thing I DID do during the last few weeks was finally chop all my hair off, which is pretty exciting. It was definitely a bucket list thing for me, and no regrets. I don't really have any decent photos and I'm absolutely terrible at taking iPhone self portraits, so just imagine...I used to have long blonde hair and now I have shorter blonder hair. I'd appreciate it if you would think Michelle Williams, and not Miley Cyrus. Here is a photo my hairdresser took - I made it black and white to try and hide the fact that I'm not wearing makeup...apologies for the dark circles under my eyes!
My other activities have included hanging out in the sunshine when possible, watching Season 4 of Friday Night Lights in one huge DVD binge over a few days (FNL is up there with Buffy as one of my all-time favourite shows, please watch it, you won't regret it), and putting a medium sized scrape on my car courtesy of one of those concrete pile-on thingies in the Broadway Shopping Centre parking lot. It was worth it - The Bourne Legacy was awesome. Jeremy Renner, I accept you as a worthy Bourne replacement.
Happy Spring everyone! Are we all making plans for summer yet? I can't stop googling holiday deals for the Whitsundays...or maybe Port Douglas? A trip to somewhere warm, with a pool, a beach and a couple of cocktails is in order, I believe.
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