It's been a while since I've done one of these. That could have something to do with the fact that I rarely find a whole seven new things to get into in the space of seven days - when I like things, I tend to obsess about them for a lengthy period of time and then get over them completely. It happens a lot with food, particularly confectionary items. For example at the moment, I'm all about musk sticks and banana lollies. However, in a few weeks time I'll probably walk past them in the local supermarket while suppressing a slight wave of nausea, telling myself never again...Ah sugar. Such a cruel mistress.
Here's what's on my radar at the moment.
I cannot wait to see this - basically it's is a dancing movie, but with singing instead of dance routines. From what I gather, Pitch Perfect involves a capella groups from rival colleges battling each other to win some kind of competition. It also stars Anna Kendrick, who is the only good thing about the Twilight movies and was excellent in "Up in the Air" with George Clooney, a few years ago. Watching her in Twilight is a delight, because she's the only cast member who appears to have a sense of humour about the whole business of sparkly vampires, stalking and extreme pouting. And anything that incorporates "No Diggity" is always going to be appreciated by this 90s RnB loving lady...
2. Bonnie Raitt
Bonnie Raitt is one of the few (if not the only) female guitarists to regularly appear on lists like Rolling Stones 100 Greatest Guitarists and the like. She's got a mean set of pipes as well. I was stoked to pick up two of the last tickets for a friend and I to see her play at The Enmore in April next year. She's coming to Australia for the Byron Bay Blues and Roots Festival - hooray for sideshows! Check out this video of her on The David Letterman Show earlier this year. She is 62...62!!! Seriously cool.
3. The Chinese Checkers dress from Gorman
It wouldn't be a Sunday Seven without something fashion related. I don't know if I'll ever be able to bring myself to pay $289 for this little number, but it is pretty damn cute. And black with white polka dots appeals to me almost as much as navy and white stripes. I always love supporting Australian based labels when I can, and I do spend a bit of time cruising the Gorman site, waiting for things to go on sale...
4. Letterpress
One of my fellow word-game-loving friends put me onto this one recently, and I've become pretty obsessed. It's kind of like boggle - the letters are on a five by five grid, you play against an opponent, making as many words as possible and stealing letters from each other where you can. It takes a few games to get the hang of the rules and is quite addictive. The interface is simple and attractive (in my opinion - Letterpress was created by the guy who invented Twitter), and the only complaint I have is that it doesn't have a messaging function - I like to be able to chat with my opponents and either compliment them on their excellent plays, or amuse myself with some trash talking. It's available for iPhones and iPads. Play with me! My user name is CarrieBe4n.
5. Closer - Tegan and Sara
So, it looks like this is going to be a music-heavy post. Do you mind? I hope not. I've been a fan of these Canadian twins for a while, and when this song came out a little earlier this year it was on a loop in my brain for about three weeks. It is definitely a new direction for them, which some fans probably won't like. It's a lot more electro-pop than their previous alt-rock efforts, and kind of makes me think they have perhaps been listening to a lot of Swedish singer Robyn, and maybe some Passion Pit as well. I'm a huge fan of both of those artists, so obviously I love this.
6. Girls
Lena Dunham is one of those women that everyone loves to have an opinion about. She's young, she's successful, she's talented, she has the kind of body that plenty of women can actually relate to - i.e. she's not a size 4 and she doesn't apologise or devalue herself because of it, so naturally it's game on to find all sorts of reasons why she is undeserving of the success she has achieved so far. She recently signed an extremely lucrative book deal, which of course resulted in the internet going absolutely bonkers about whether or not she "deserved" that many zeros on a cheque.
I like her. I think she's funny, but I'm going to be straight with you here - I hated the first 5 episodes of her TV show Girls. I loathed all the characters and found absolutely nothing redeeming, likeable or watchable about any of them. And then in the 6th episode something clicked, and I started laughing. And laughing. And laughing. And nodding my head, because sometimes, Lena is just saying out loud what I would really like to say out loud sometimes, but don't. Because my life is not a TV show (except in my head). Also, the character of Shoshanna is amazing.
I'm pretty excited - I've just ordered some new glasses, after having the same frames for almost ten years. I don't have to wear them all the time, so have never really bothered updating them because hey, what does my computer screen care what I look like? Recently however, I've found myself wearing them more and more at work - I don't know if it's because I'm tired, or I've just been in denial, so I thought it was time to bust out and buy some new frames.
Bon Look is extremely economical, and it's so easy to order - just upload a copy of your prescription and you're on your way... I ordered the "Urban Dandy" in honey tortoise. Yesssssss.